This little boy is so busy! He is on a constant seek and destroy mission! If it isn't the dog food, trash can, bookshelves or entertainment center, it's the stairs and buddy does he ever watch for the gate to be moved for one of the other kids! He makes a bee line toward them as soon as he thinks I am distracted. And distracted I am....all the time! I had the pack n play up for a while to occupy him while we accomplished school or I started dinner. I kept it positioned so he could see me and he was never in it more than 20 minutes or so but he quickly grew to hate that thing. It confined him. So my latest plan of defense includes food and the booster seat! Thus far, he hasn't realized I am getting things done while he snacks. Didn't I just wrap up this phase with Ty?
He has gotton so big!!!! What a cutie!!!