"I'll dance with Cinderella" was playing on my way to the auto repair shop this afternoon and Kate's little voice was playing in my head. How many times today had I put off her requests for tea or to play a game? Sadly, too many. I have been caught up in my "to-do" list and have so many things on my plate as I prepare for a new season in our lives with an online school for Kate and Makenna, Montessori school for Lauren and another year of public high school for Erin. All require a lot of planning and preparation. On top of that, I am dealing with a mild arthritis flare. It is just enough to slow me down and make regular movements challenging. Slowing down is not something I do well and Kate needed me to. Most likely, I also needed to. So tonight, once the little destroyer was safely in his bed, Kate and I had tea. She was thrilled. Me too.
Kate is playing school and attempting to teach Ty how to spell his name and say he is two years old. She's persistent and it appears to be a good thing! Little man is much more interested in climbing, exploring, destroying, playing, etc.....
Ty has started his version of counting which varies each time he does it...."1-2-1", "3-2-1" or "2-2-1". In all cases, something is thrown or jumped off once he reaches that final "1"! "Ready, set, go" are also favorites for the prior mentioned activities! "Ta-da" indicates he is proud of those results. "Hey, hey, hey" means he is not pleased with something, which typically means we've removed a weapon from his hot little hands. "I fix it" is adorable. "I help" is too. "Colby" is very clear and "play basket" was added today when he wanted to play basketball rather than eat dinner.
Yesterday, "I help" occurred when I caught him on a chair watering my kitchen. It didn't grow but "hey, hey, hey" was yelled as I removed him from the scene of the crime.
I love that pic of Kate during your tea party! It is so easy to get caught up in our to do list and to say "not right now" and then before you know it the day is over. I go to bed asking myself the same question all the time. We all do.