Monday, August 1, 2011

Amen. Well, almost.

With a lot of babying, Ryan's little tree is doing well in it's new location.

The decorative grass plants and the corner tree are the only other things we were able to save from the old landscape.

Can I just say that I have a whole new level of respect for anyone who does this for a living? It is exhausting, back-breaking and sweaty work! But the results are worth it (maybe). We planted shrubs this weekend and attempted to get the final rock cover but discovered that once back to school sales start, garden centers are finished for the season. We can't find the rock anywhere. We are debating moving the rock from under the trampoline back to the front landscape and filling that space with mulch or just going with mulch in the front for a few years and replacing it with the rock we ultimately want down the road. Either way, it is a little disappointing to get this far on the project and have it come to a halt on the final detail.

In unrelated but cute news......

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