Monday, July 18, 2011

Two Year Check Up

Ty saw Dr. Rezaei today and was ready to leave from the moment we arrived. He had a great check up and left without any blood tests or vaccines, so as far as he was concerned, it was PERFECT! Our little man is up to 35" (70%) and 25lbs 8ounces (20%). He is projected to be around 5ft 11inches as an adult. She wants us to start a protein shake every night with Lactose free milk since he is still not tolerating milk and has only gained one pound in six months. His language meets 3year old criteria as does his physical ability.
She also agreed our Infectious Disease doctor made the best decision in ceasing his acyclovir treatment. If he still deals with cold sore outbreaks in a few years, we have another medical option, but we hope he establishes antibodies to fight it on his own before that becomes necessary.
I had the idea that this would be a fun post with some two year old photos. Ty had the idea that my chasing him around would be more fun. I snapped a few shots but was wiped out in the end! I really should be thinner!


  1. SOOOOOO stinkin cute!!!! And if you get any thinner you'll disappear!

  2. Love all the pictures - especially the one of both of you!
    He is so precious - glad the check-up went well!
