The calendar says he is 23 months but his attitude says the terrible twos have arrived with a vengeance! Oh my is it a rocky ride right now. I called my sister to be pulled off the ceiling last night and get some "mom of boys" advice. I got the standard, "he's a boy" followed by some practical tips I already knew but was just too tired to think of on my own.
Remember that paci I was worried about removing? Well, he officially bit the nipple off today and ended his little relationship with it. It is currently bedtime and things are not going well. I am blogging in my pj's to prevent me from getting into the van and going after a new one! I know it is time to get rid of it but I also know we are dealing with so many behavioral issues that this was one battle I was okay with tackling at a later date.
Ty isn't my only child rebelling right now. Another little person in my house would like to be boss and has found herself grounded once again to her room and away from friends. Oh the joy. Smart parents shouldn't ground children to their rooms. We should ground them out of the house to maintain peace! Sigh.
I still need time outs from my boys sometimes and they are 15 and 13!!!! And other times I need it because of the girls!
ReplyDeleteI wish I could say that this part of having a 2 yr old boy was easy, but you know I would be lying!!!! It is an ongoing battle for awhile. Aaron's terrible 2's lasted 18 months, from 18 months to 3. I hope Ty's doesn't last that long! I will hide you here for a mommy time out! :)