Our card read, "Happy Father's Day to a Dad who's fun, terrific, good looking, kind, thoughtful, talented and smart!.....Just like his kids!" We're a humble bunch.
We spent the day relaxing as a family since the weather changed our landscaping plans. It's just as well. Greg clearly needed his regular Sunday afternoon "Nascar Nap".
We enjoyed a grilled steak dinner complete with roasted cauliflower and slow cooked green beans. Kate asked me if the cauliflower would turn into broccoli when it was cooked. We don't use that particular vegetable often, but I ran across this recipe in a blog I enjoy. (Not all blogs encourage me to eat chocolate!) And cauliflower will now join asparagus as my two favorite roasting veggies.
Ty, in an effort to keep things balanced, woke up with a cold sore today. It's his third since Mother's Day. He loves us equally.
And our Katebug continues to be as colorful as ever. She has been wearing her life vest out to play? I have no idea why but she's cute! She is also modeling what she calls her "new smile". It involves her strategically placing her larger top tooth into the space where she's missing a tooth right now.
Fridays are always homemade pizza nights here. It's a tradition and one the kids (even those not living here) look forward to every week. This week though, I was pretty busy with the boys and the girls were hungry early. So, they made the pizzas! They did a great job and have rather boastfully declared them, "the best pizza ever"! New tradition? Mom gets Fridays off???
I am currently reading a great book, Becoming More Than A Bible Study Girl and I love it. For me, it's like a conversation with a trusted friend. I am also starting a new bible study this week with some ladies in the area and looking forward to it. Just knowing accountability and camaraderie are available in new relationships locally will help make this place feel more like home. I've been missing my girlfriends lately.
And Brutus, well, he's the same....no matter what day is on the calendar. It's a perfect life and Lauren makes sure it's comfortable too.
And your girlfriends are missing you A LOT, too!!!!! By the way, I have decided that I want to be Brutus. It looks to be a relaxing life!!! :)