Saturday, May 7, 2011

Email from Theresa.....

Aren't these the cutest?

And in my sister's words:

Both boys started ball games this week. Mason is enjoying wee-ball now that he understands that it's okay if his teammates catch the ball instead of him. He was worried that if he didn't catch them all he wouldn't get a trophy. For Mason, it's all about the trophy. Brennen has 1 for basketball and he doesn't have any. Brennen is really getting into T-ball as well and loves having daddy as a coach (well...most of the time). They had their first game yesterday and Brennen hit a single and a double in their 2 inning game. He plays 1st base and had 2 outs, which they say is good for t-ball. They won the game so they are officially "undefeated". Go Gambrell's !!

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