Thursday, April 21, 2011


Erin was sent home from school on Monday because she was not feeling well. By Tuesday we decided she should see the doctor because her body temp was only 95 to 96 degrees. She was freezing, fatigued and achy all over. After a very thorough evaluation, blood work and a strep test, it was determined she was either at the end of a bacterial infection she successfully fought on her own or one was brewing. The body pain is connected to the gym teacher who appears to have missed his calling as a drill sergeant and allergies created the sore throat. "Rest for the remainder of the day and get back to school tomorrow" were our instructions. The storm hit Tuesday night, knocking out power for some of the schools in the district and the debris on the roads made travel unsafe for buses so school was canceled. Erin used the day to sleep. We had her get up and try to make it through the school today only to have her first period teacher send her home. She was miserable and I knew it was time to call the doctor again. Today's assessment revealed the bacterial infection is in fact, walking pneumonia. She is dehydrated and needs antibiotics. We pray she rebounds quickly so she can join our trip to Ohio this weekend. At this point, she just wants to sleep.
Taken Sunday at the park by the boyfriend whom I harassed Tuesday when they suggested the mono test!

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