Monday, April 18, 2011

eggstra fun

Today's table decoration=tomorrow's egg toss. Makenna and I decorated after the little ones went to bed tonight. I am sure Ty will have a blast and I will be over this by bedtime tomorrow!

And, I cleaned out my closet this morning for a Goodwill donation and general overhaul of our only storage/catch all space. It was time.....
My wedding dress was in the donation pile when I suggested Makenna may like the fabric for Barbie dresses. She had a great afternoon cutting and sewing. I think I may create a dress up skirt of sorts for Kate too.....why not? The kids assured me they would not be wearing my dress as big butt bows and shoulder pads should not come back into style! I couldn't agree more! 

Kate and her little backyard friends were busy huddling over a dirt pile today I grabbed my camera and moseyed over for a peek. They were "digging up worms and watching them poop". Lovely.
Erin was sent home from school today with a sore throat, headache and over all body aches. By this evening she was also experiencing chest pain when deeply breathing and coughing. Looks like we are headed to the doctor tomorrow. Her boyfriend texted me to ask permission to drop something special off for her to feel better. I assured him she wouldn't want to see him looking ill but did allow the sneaky delivery to the front porch. Erin was touched.

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