Thursday, February 24, 2011

Play dates are so much fun!

While Makenna had allergy testing yesterday, Kate played at her friend's house. Kate wanted to wear her fancy dress all day because she needed to dress up for her first visit to a "real school" and to impress her special friend. I talked her into jeans since they tend to play trains and cars when they play together. They made muffins, had a tea party in the Thomas tent, "moved" out of his bedroom and giggled a lot. Kate couldn't stop talking about her play date. It was so much fun. The best part was when the Mommies got to have dinner out last night! It was so relaxing and a great way to decompress after such a long day full of appointments.

1 comment:

  1. The best part was when we got to have dinner!!! I think the fact that I proved I can no longer walk upright in high heels just shows that a night out, dressed out of sweats doesn't happen often enough :)
