Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A day in the life......

"Who has poop in their pants?"Erin cracks up every day after school because it is so commonly heard around here! Well, with three babies in the house, it happens. A lot.
Every time our phone rings or a car pulls into our driveway, Ty yells "Pa-pa". He loves his Grandpa and we are thrilled he's coming this weekend. When I made the announcement today, Kate asked me how old Grandpa is. Before I could answer, she suggested "40". I laughed and reminded her that her daddy is 40. She replied simply, "I know"!
On that front, we were reminded that our young married Sunday school teachers were our ages when they taught our class...WAY BACK THEN! It's funny, we thought they were old! This came to our minds when our friends were asked to teach the class at their church......when did we all get old enough to be "experienced"? Greg and I will be facilitating discussions for our upcoming baby dedication class as "seasoned parents"....again, how did we get old enough to be "seasoned"? It is an honor to be asked and well, we will be there anyway. Ty is finally getting dedicated next month. I'm just glad the first sentence of this entry isn't in reference to any adults in the house!

Me, "Ty David, we do not hit our sisters". Ty, "I do"! I used my firmest mommy voice and he used his sweetest, sing song voice as he walked away!

Now, for the reason you are here.....cute pictures!
Ty insists upon feeding himself everything now. It's a messy process.

Colby fell asleep holding Kate's finger this afternoon. Playtime wore him out!

Colby almost got a kiss! Lucky boy. No one else gets them!


  1. The entire post made me smile!!! Especially Ty's " I do" bc I can totally hear his sweet voice saying that!!!

  2. That last pic is precious!!!!
