Monday, February 21, 2011

bubble wrapped

"But you can’t cushion your kids. You can’t send them into the world bubble-wrapped and helmeted even though you want to. You can’t carpet their universe, hoping their falls will always land softly. You love and let go and thank the modern world of advancements in safety for airbags and outlet covers, baby gates and bike helmets. And when our kids fall—and they will—you scoop them and hold them and tell them it’s okay." Kelle Hampton 
I have been praying stewing about sending one of my girls into the world of public school. She craves it. I want to shield her from the harsh world that is awaiting her there. Some kids are cruel. The teachers are over worked and stressed. Her needs are great. She doesn't learn like the others. She doesn't process information like other kids. She is beautiful, fun and spirited. God has a plan for her. I just want to hold on a little longer. She isn't having it anymore. She wants to experience the world outside of our comfortable little bubble where she can take a week to learn a new concept and back up to start over when necessary. I want her equipped for real life and loved throughout the process. So, the painful process of finding a school that will embrace her with all her learning delays and accept her as the beautiful child of God she is begins. I am praying we find a safe place for her grow. After seven years of homeschooling, it is a frightening step to consider.

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