Sunday, January 16, 2011

Over due!

Our last family photo was 4+ years old and a FEW things have changed since. So, I made an appointment for the only afternoon in a week we are all together....Sunday. Click Portraits came highly recommended and I have to add my referral. They were wonderful.

Erin 15, Lauren 14, Makenna 10, Kate 5, Ty 18 months and we'll just leave it at that!
This is a photo of a photo since we no longer have a working printer or scanner in the house.....I love the shot. Lauren literally breezed into the studio for 15 minutes and was right back out the door. A car dropped her off and returned that quickly to pick her up! Social agendas determine her every move! I thanked her for stopping in for her photo op!
Our OSU tees drew some attention, as we aren't fans of either local team....we met some friendly adversaries in the waiting room....Michigan fans, in from Michigan for extended family photos. They were fun, at least until their son kicked mine. Greg and I watched a child bully Ty in the church nursery last night too. In both cases, Ty seemed oblivious. Lord help us when he catches on. He did enjoy the big open studio where he was able to run, play and dance. The shoot was quick and painless. We MAY not wait another  four years to do it again!

Now, for Ty's latest tricks. He turned 18 months on the 13th. He added "baby" to his vocabulary this week. He likes babies, including photos of himself. He decided to start wearing his "stinky shoes" on Friday. He now has opinions about pajamas....really? Who would have thought he'd care about anything in his wardrobe?

The stool was pushed across the floor in hopes of reaching the cookies on the plate above. I snapped the photo and then moved the stool back. He is fearless and determined!

Popcorn and a movie are still highlights to our Friday nights. Both Kate and Ty love popcorn although Kate asks for peanut butter popcorn every week. I don't make that one available very often. 

My sister called on Monday to share the news that her sister in law has been matched with a baby boy who was due on the 23rd for adoption. They were placed without warning and needed to pull things together quickly. Given the expedited pace this was suddenly taking, the expenses skyrocketed. Their family had three prior adoptions fall through so they didn't prepare much in advance to help prevent further pain. Anyway, that meant we were all pulling our outgrown things together to pass along. I met Theresa and her family in Lexington on Wednesday for Donatos (I wish we had one around here!) and to hand off the items I cannot believe we are already finished using. Time flies. Nathan James was born this afternoon and his new parents are in route to meet him. It's a beautiful thing.

Ty likes Donatos too!

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