Monday, September 27, 2010

Ode to comfort

Cozy candles are welcomed after the 30 degree temperature drop

Brutus found a comfortable place to rest and Kate's pillow needed washed as a result!
Ever lose something special? Ever had to part with something you've taken for granted would always be there? Well, last week, my favorite pair of jeans had to be tossed. This may not sound like a big deal to you, but if you've ever had that perfect pair of jeans that fit without tugging, pulling, gaping, riding or even sagging, you'll understand.  I noted thread bare areas in the seat and rather than risk the embarrassment of them splitting on me in public, I threw a big fit gracefully tossed them into the trash. I miss them. I have other jeans, but not MY jeans.....

In all seriousness, I have been grieving a few losses lately. I am really homesick. My precious friend is losing her father after a two year battle with cancer. I want so badly to be there for her. My mom is facing minor, out-patient surgery but being there is typical for me. I have found myself missing my old neighborhood, my home church and my dear friends a lot lately. That's not to say that I don't have some great neighbors, a wonderful church or new friends, but there is just something comfortable about "home". I miss it and the jeans were just the final straw.

Fall weather has finally arrived and I am so grateful for it's refreshing cooler temperatures. I am drinking in as much fresh air as I can. I love the house being cool enough to warrant a hot cup of tea to get moving in the morning, the long sleeved shirt needed for my evening walk and smell of chili on the stove. Above all, I am grateful for God's grace and mercy in reminding me that this too is a season He's orchestrated in my life. There is comfort in leaning on God's truth when my emotions are trying to rule. "We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" 2 Corinthians 10:5

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to this post on all levels!! I hope your mom's surgery goes well. We still need to get together for some mommy time with a side of tea.

    Ps - of course you can come over and take pics on our leaves :)
