Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Kids say the darndest things...

During lunch today, Makenna said she doesn't know what she wants to do when she grows up but she's narrowed it down to two choices. It appears that she's either going to work at UPS or be an actress. Hmm?

I picked up an early reader "Dick and Jane" book for Kate at the library because it would help her learn to read. She looked through it at bedtime last night and informed me that the book didn't work because she still doesn't know how to read. Apparently this process will take a little longer than she anticipates.

Erin wants a lot of kids when she's grown, but no three year olds. She has failed to see the flaw in her plan. Teaching three year old gymnastics has made quite an impression! Her pre-k classes are her favorites. She has one four year old who makes her laugh every week. This week, Gigi had to know where Erin gets her toe nails painted because Gigi goes to "the Chinese place because Mommy has a coupon"! (Erin paints her own toes!)

Erin and I wrapped up our year with the pre-K class at church this weekend. I loved this group of kids when I taught them in the two year old room. I started back in the classroom in January after both Greg and Ty were ready for me to step out for a few hours without them! It has been a lot of fun to see the transformation in this group. They are all headed to kindergarten next weekend and we'll start over with a new group of 4 year olds. Our senior pastor stopped in and lead our class in prayer before we took them to large group. None of our kids knew him but we explained that George teaches Mommy and Daddy about Jesus while they are with us. Just seconds later, Jacob (one of my more spirited students) yelled out, "so you're George, I hear you tell funny jokes"! George mentioned email to Jacob should he hear of any good ones. 

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