Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Miss Billee

Our sweet friend from church, Miss Billee was diagnosed with progressed cancer last week. As of today, she is under hospice care and not expected to live beyond three weeks. I was able to visit her this afternoon with Kirbie and Ty. Her family knew who Ty was because she prayed for him when he was sick. She visited me several times in the hospital and even came with Kirbie and sat with us during his first transfusion. Her son lovingly told Ty to watch out because those that Miss Billee prays for have no idea what the Lord has in store for them! She was peacefully resting and seemingly unaware of how much we are all hurting. I cannot imagine our early childhood department without her. No one can. She's been the pillar of that department for over 20 years. She was the first friend I made at Northside. I am so sad for me but trying to focus on the happy ending for her. Tonight at bedtime, Kate said she would pray for Miss Billee to get better and I explained to her that Miss Billee isn't getting better but going to heaven. She then prayed, "Jesus, please make sure Miss Billee loves heaven becuase I love her".

UPDATE: Miss Billee passed away just before 10pm, Thursday, April 15, 2010. Heaven gained a precious soul and I know she is in the arms of the Lord she served well for almost 68 years. We will miss you more than you know Miss Billee.

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