Sunday, February 21, 2010

Doesn't it just figure?

I had the great idea that I could use leftover paint from the little girls' old bedroom to paint the laundry room. It is a pretty, fresh sage green and would be a nice compliment to the tan and red kitchen that is immediately adjacent. Long story short, I am half way through the job and out of as we know it.

Several months ago I dropped the vacuum down the stairs and broke some tiles in the foyer. Over time, more and more of them are broken so we need to scrape them up and replace the broken tiles. Apparently the sub flooring is not level and there are tiles that are literally hollow underneath. Nice. We are trying to decide if the entire floor has to be removed or if we can patch it....I am leaning toward an oak laminate since I know how easy it is to maintain. Grout is not my favorite! So, just in case you wondered, Dyson vs. Ceramic Tile= Dyson wins

Poor Erin went outside to shovel off her trampoline and take advantage of the beautiful weather last night after church. She apparently frightened a nest of moles or mice in the process and sent them all running. She was terrified and paralyzed with fear, screaming for a half an hour while the rest of us were busy in the house unaware. For my OCD daughter, this was the worst form of torture! She won't likely be out after dark again for quite some time! We are treating the yard for our new mole issue as soon as spring arrives. If that doesn't take care of the issue, we may have to invest in some outdoor cats.


  1. I am sure that Brutus would love some cats!!!! :) Will you be able to find some matching paint? That sounds like my luck, too!

  2. We wish Brutus had an issue with moles! I don't know if I will mix new paint....I may just use another leftover can from yet another project....probably not the color I would choose, but free and gets rid of the stored cans!
