Saturday, January 9, 2010

Ty will be 6 months old this week

Our handsome little guy is a bundle of smiles most of the time. He is practicing his crawling skills so much that we catch him on all fours rocking back and forth in his sleep! He is quite determined to be up and running! He can move backward and rolls all over the place. He likes to unload the book cases, play with fireplace tools and leaves his finger prints all over the entertainment center. He loves his solid foods, although he isn't completely sold on peas. He'll eat them but doesn't do it very enthusiastically. Sweet potatoes are thoroughly enjoyed as he says "mmmmm" with every bite and smacks his lips! He is wearing clothes between 9 and 12 months already! He's an aggressive kisser....Mommy gets most of those. He grabs my face and holds me there while he practically drowns me in drool.....He covers my face in them but mostly likes sucking on my chin. Daddy's face is a bit too rough so he likes to put his hand on Daddy's chin to be tickled. His laugh is contagious and he's a noisier baby than the girls. I suspect we'll be discussing "indoor voices" as he grows.

1 comment:

  1. We have the indoor voice talk in my house ALOT !!! he is so precious, I am so glad he is happy and healthy! I can't believe he is 6 months already though...
