Saturday, January 16, 2010

Erin's Baptism

Erin was baptized this evening. She asked her small group leader from middle school to be the one to "dunk" her. Lana is a sweet lady who reached out and welcomed Erin into her life two years ago, making a big impression. Erin started asking us questions about the Lord and salvation when she was six. This was a decision she made after serious consideration. She had at one time believed she would want to go to our "home church", Salem Church of God in Clayton, Ohio for the service but because of Lana's love and the wonderful people we've gotten to know, she feels at home at Northside. Lana shared with us (it was a private baptism) that she loves Erin's heart and that she wishes she had such a genuine faith at her age. She said Erin is wise beyond her years. We couldn't agree more and are honored to be her parents.


  1. That is wonderful news, I know you all must be so proud of her!

  2. I am so proud of you Erin, and I know the Lord is rejoicing over your commitment to Him!
