Sunday, December 13, 2009

It's a Wonderful Life

Makenna and Kate were both involved in a church Christmas play with their friends. This was Makenna's third and Kate's first. They both enjoyed the process of learning their songs and motions. Makenna was chosen for one of the larger roles this time and handled it well. She had a small solo that she wasn't aware she was getting until they sprung it on her at one of the practices. Her voice was pretty sweet sounding as she sang about what life would be like without Jesus. The play opens as a church musical is ending so Makenna is dressed as a shepherd who is irritated by one of the other shepherds who thought the musical was a waste of time because he wants to get home to his presents. The kids quickly learn that without Jesus, there is no Christmas and without Christmas, there is no joy, light or hope. They find the true meaning of the season and share the good news with others. In the end, the wayward shepherd can't wait to get home to share the true Christmas story with his family. As spot on as Makenna's lines and solo were, Kate was entertaining with her typical four year old antics. She was rather wiggly and expressive but pretty darn cute.

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