Friday, July 17, 2009

Ty's Evening

Mom and Dad drove down from Ohio today to spend some time with us and peek at Ty through the nursery window. Mom went with me to feed him this evening and was able to come in because there were no other babies in the nursery. She got to give him his supplemental formula bottle after I fed him. He opened his eyes for her and grinned when she told him Grandpa does the spoiling with extra food. It was a very cute grin.

Ty's numbers went from 18.1 this morning to 18.6 this evening. These were not the results we were anticipating and are disappointed. At four days old, this is no longer a toxic level but quite high considering all the treatment he has had. He is under 4 levels of photo therapy and a supplemental feeding with each nursing session. So this evening, the decision was made to add I.V. fluids for one more additional measure to get his numbers down. He needs to be off all the therapy and at 14 before he can come home. Our optimistic goal of having him home on Sunday is not looking all that promising now. These little guys all do this on their own so there is no real way to predict how quickly Ty will recover.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you were able to get back to nursing. Your mom being there must have helped. No one can understand what you are going through but another mom. She must be agreat source of comfort. Ty is always on my mind and in my prayers.
