Sunday, July 9, 2023


This isn't my story to tell. It's taken our family months to find the words. Our girl is still in extreme pain and shock. Sometimes she is angry, mostly she is sad. And our favorite little human is processing, which is often messy too. 

We love Taylor. All of us. He has been a part of our family officially for seven years and in our lives for ten. He went into a deep depression once they arrived in Hawaii and scared us all. Suicide watch was taking place for weeks. And then a switch flipped and he was manic in his energy and speech. That was equally as terrifying for Lauren to watch. It was during his manic episode he decided he was in love with a coworker he'd only known two months. No one, including the coworker believed him but he was adamant that he needed Lauren and Austin off the island in order to be happy. Our girl held her ground and fought for her marriage, begging for help. Taylor's parents and best friend tried all they knew to do to talk him into therapy and medication but he refused. Lauren worked every angle she could to try to reach the man we all know and love but he was suddenly no where to be found.

Lauren and Austin came home in April. Our guest room is now their room and they are both bewildered by the reality of it all. We are praying for Taylor and supporting Lauren and Austin as they begin to rebuild their lives. Our priority is support for Lauren and Austin. As we navigate divorce, we feel significantly out of our league. I actually apologized to Lauren for not knowing how to fully model this season for her. However, as usual, we are coating this in as much grace and compassion as possible. We may not recognize Taylor in the man he has recently become but we do know who we are and circumstances won't change anything. 

Lauren has landed a job, enrolled Austin in kindergarten and purchased a new vehicle in the short time she has been with us. We marvel at her resilience. This wasn't how she planned her life and has certainly suffered, but in the long run, Lauren isn't the one I worry about. This girl is strength personified.

Austin is visiting his dad this week. Our home is suddenly quiet and more than a little disorienting. Morning snuggles and daily tantrums are missing and we are all a little lost.  The undercurrent of worry and stress is wearing on us all. Grace and compassion. Yes. We need a lot of both.

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