Friday, June 30, 2023

Week Twenty-six


He didn't know who Grimace was but he had to try his birthday shake. I'm still shocked he didn't know Grimace. Kate didn't either.

Lauren photographed from outside the exhibit. Birds freak her out.

The lorikeet stole the cup of nectar and then another one was nibbling on my hair. Austin was delighted.

He loves Tucans and they had one this week.

He too can stand like a flamingo 

Stopped by to see our girl off to her big competition week.

Two things: 1. Austin started a competition with Diesel to see who got to be closest to me in the mornings. Apparently Diesel understood because he started claiming the spot as soon as Greg vacated it. And 2. Austin's new word is Bamboozled. He uses it in perfect context and it makes me smile every time. "Diesel bamboozled me and got my spot." Ty, not feeling well, claimed the final sliver and Austin reluctantly agreed to my lap over the coveted cuddle position next to me. PS. My mornings are not as quiet as they used to be.

He helped me trim back the shrubs and claimed this branch as "a fire sword." Alrighty then.

Ty is under here. If he gets up and out the door with us in the mornings, this is the scene in the afternoon.

Teen library department. It's pretty cool. 

We've got babies! Austin is quite excited. Mimi is too.

Austin collected hail from the yard after the storm and insisted we keep in the fridge. Pops got him a storage container and moved it to the freezer. Pops would not have done this for anyone else. 

Another day, another storm. Some comfort items were needed this round.

Sleepovers with Austin are a bit too cozy.....see that triangle shaped space in the right hand corner? That was my spot. 

Erin shared this after her interview portion of the competition.

I bought Diesel new toys. These are Kong, allegedly the strongest available. The wand was taken away ten minutes after he got it. He had the ball on the bed with us while I napped and half was missing when I woke up. Awesome.

A friend shared this and I was truth smacked.

Ty spent the week sick with an ear infection that got worse before he improved. Oliver loved the snuggles and Austin loved our pediatrician. He tried claiming he too needed his ears checked so he could spend more time talking with her. 
Austin predicted Ty's ear infection occured because I yell up the stairs for him rather than walk up to get him. The fact I have to be heard over his headset is completely lost on both Ty and Austin. Ty was really hoping Austin would share his observations about my yelling with the pediatrician to watch me be embarrassed. 

The babies are growing quickly. Momma allows me to water the flowers around her and the babies without flying away now. 

Pops got a new hardhat so Austin scored the hand-me-down.

Erin answered her community service question thoroughly and clearly. She knows her platform well.

"Her story" is a talent option. Erin had ninety seconds to share her cervical cancer prevention and awareness campaign and did so beautifully. I'm pretty impressed with this girl. 

Morning walks with a few of my favorites.

They like to run ahead and than wait for me to catch up. 

Naps after walks are necessary.

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