Friday, March 31, 2023

Week Thirteen/Spring Break

Spring break was a quiet affair here. I took naps, managed some appointments and even slipped in a post-shower driving date with Greg in my cozy pajamas. Kate was off with Hagan or Kameron most every day. And Ty was content with crap food in his room while playing online games with friends. I had lofty deep cleaning goals but lingering fatigue from a recent flare sabotaged plans. It's just the same, surface clean has sufficed for months now anyway. I'm sure I'm the only one who notices. My newest cleaning plan? "It's good enough". I'm excelling.

Wednesday I slipped away alone for another salt water float followed by lunch in a quiet sushi restaurant with a book. I cannot express how much I needed this week of rest. 
Kate had the audacity to step out front without direct supervision.

Thursday Kate, Amanda and I walked around the outlets so Amanda could score a deal on next year's boots. The sunshine and outing were appreciated even if I did require some bench warming sessions. I'm tired of being tired. 
 This is a treat we usually share when we visit the outlets. I've always considered it a little pricey but in sharing the decadent sundae and only having one or two a year, we just embraced it. But Thursday my total was just over fourteen dollars for this one ice cream. Holy smokes. It was good but I'm not sure it was THAT good. Lauren would laugh at me and call it a bargain considering what she now spends on food in Hawaii. It's all about perspective.

I managed to pull off a brutal closet purge where I honestly identified pieces I am not wearing and not only bagged them for donation, but also managed to actually deliver them on the same day! I don't know that I've ever not driven bags around for at least a week before making the drop off. It's the little wins I'm celebrating. 

Kate and I have been working on her upcoming Graduation party as a positive focus to help pull her through these final nine weeks. Her doubled work load has recently felt daunting and sister is over it. We've planned a pretty event rather than the traditional school colors for her day. Pulling baby photos for a banner and ordering announcements haven't yet left me nostalgic, thank goodness. I do hope she embraces prom and the final highlights of her junior/senior year. This season will end soon enough. Our girl is ready to soar.

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