Friday, January 20, 2023

Week Three

A second grader noticed my inflamed hand and asked about it. I gave my standard answer about psoriatic arthritis and assured him it looks worse than it feels. He then asked, "do all old people get that?" 🤨

Ty fell asleep before school Thursday and then slept the entire way home. His throat hurt. He then laid around all evening and scored himself a day off on Friday. The strep screen was negative but he feels really run down and still has a pretty sore throat. A weekend of rest is on the agenda. 

Erin swears she had more privacy living with us than she is permitted now. Ada is a hot mess. 

Erin is getting back into the swing of work, class and her internship. She has also been asked to help select a new director for the program she completed in 2021 with the University of Louisville. There is no rest for the driven. 

Lauren and Taylor have been given a projected date of March 23 before they receive their belongings. They caved and purchased lawn chairs to have somewhere other than the floor to sit. The air mattress is getting old just two weeks into this little island adventure but they are making the best of it. Daily walks to new parks and frequent beach exploration has been the saving grace for a very busy four year old who is missing his friends and his toys. He has learned so much about the island already, including his address. He blows me away with the facts he recites during our video chats. 

Someone fancies himself a lap dog. At 70 pounds, why wouldn't he?

I kid you not, Greg had just told him to get down. Look that that attitude!

We had a gorgeous start to the week with temperatures mild enough Tuesday for Bible study outside. I was delighted and hoped it would last. It didn't. January in the 60's was appreciated, if even for just a day. 

Saturday Greg roasted a turkey, Lauren's favorite meal. I text her this photo and asked about Hawaii. She promptly responded with a picture of the beach, "it's great." I was hoping she'd come home. Sigh.

I got to take Anna and Ava to Target while their parents had appointments. I was missing Austin and needed to pick up something to help Ava make a tee shirt celebrating the 100th day of school. One thing lead to another and both of the girls ended up with a small trinket too. Ty also landed a treat and was overheard whispering to the girls he wanted them to come along every time we go to Target so I will say yes to things not on the list. It was a shake down. 

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