Friday, October 14, 2022

Leaf Run and Life

I'm easily amused. Not the price point, just the sign. 

The month holds promises of overbooked days and lengthy weekends apart. It's in no way the kind of October I love. My camera may grow dusty as I am unable to accept gigs and have even passed the Senior picture baton to Kate's best friend for my own kiddo. So on our only date for the coming weeks, Greg and I slipped down quiet roads for glimpses of the first colors of fall. 

The dog's tail beats excitedly against the floor and the cat growls from outside the door. The kids quarrel and then giggle non-stop as dinner is rushed and dishes pile up. My online class needs focused attention, and as it turns out, everyone else does too. It's loud....but it's mine and it's mostly good. A daughter called from the emergency room, pain severe but ultimately resolved. Hours later, she sought respite in our home and remained for a few days. A daughter as a guest is still difficult to comprehend at times. This is the week we were given and one in which we more than survived because even in the chaos and noise, there is peace if you look closely enough.

Someone needed some attention. Someone ALWAYS needs attention.

Pip decided he likes the swing in the sunshine too. 

The sun shines brightly and my sweaters are cozy. I treasure brief moments on my swing and re-warmed tea. Kids retrieve it for me frequently, as it's often lost in the microwave. This is my October and I'm grateful for the mess of it all. 

I asked the waiter for vegetables and he could hardly believe his ears. They don't serve vegetables. And Erin quickly exclaimed, "I knew this was my favorite restaurant!"

I made reservations for a new Cuban restaurant in town and excitedly surprised my hubby who looked a little crestfallen by the news. The buckeyes were playing that evening, could we reschedule? Nope. My next available weekend won't arrive for several more weeks, so Erin joined me and we devoured the delicious meal. Adult kids make pretty sweet dinner companions, even if they no longer consume vegetables.

Singing "Band-aid on a Bullet Hole"

We knew we were in trouble with this one when she was two and belting the song lyrics, "whiskey makes her frisky." She takes her coffee black, sips her daddy's bourbon neat and out-laughs all of us with her ridiculous dad jokes. I love this rowdy girl; the so-called, "sweet one."

Greg left for his Emmaus Walk weekend last evening and his side of the bed was quickly consumed. It was a long night of poky paws, verbal complaints from the one with her own bed down the hall and little sleep on my end. I hope Greg faired better than I did in the quality sleep department.

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