Saturday, September 11, 2021

Labor Day Week

We spent the weekend relaxing. Grace's family joined us for dinner. We were invited to sit by a fire afterward with Anne's family. She was hosting the Edwards from Houston so it was fun to catch up. I had tea with friends twice and squeezed in a quick engagement session for Makenna and Noah. We purchased a mattress set for our upcoming guest room and have plans to quickly create a space Lauren and Taylor can occupy in November. It will be their only trip up this year and I'm excited to have space for them to stay with us. By Monday evening I thought I could use another three day weekend. 
He recovered beautifully from surgery. Keeping the little ninja down is proving difficult for his parents as result. 

It was a busy week, with a commitment literally every evening and a pesky full time job that keeps me hopping. In a perfect world, that job would be part time so I could keep up with all.the.things. I do not live in a perfect world. But at Bible study the last few weeks, I've admired Lana's hydrangeas and finally walked over to snap a quick photo with my phone. Life is crazy but there is peace to be found if we just take a moment to notice.

Makenna and Noah had me squeeze in an engagement session before they elope next month. We are on a short timeline with these two now that they have decided a quick wedding is more important than a big wedding. The house they are renting needs to be flipped by October first so they can move in the day or two before their October third wedding. It's going to be a busy weekend despite the simplicity of their private ceremony. So when my friends remind me to slow down and take care of my health, I laugh. Have they met my children?

Ty and I ran to Lexington after school Friday to celebrate my dad's birthday. I asked my nephew to capture a group selfie. This is the best we had to offer and I think it's perfect. Well, for us anyway. And then he thought he would prank me with a silly selfie of himself. The joke's on him because share photos. I love this kid.

On the ride home from school this week, Ava declared she'd found the boy she will marry. I asked his name. She said, "George." I asked, "George who?" She very seriously responded, "um, this isn't a knock-knock joke." Goodness, I love that kid and miss working in kindergarten. 

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