Friday, September 24, 2021

Celebrating Makenna and Saying Goodbye

We make a good team. 

Saturday, Erin and I hosted a bridal brunch for Makenna. We had a perfectly comfortable day visiting together with a few close friends and some women in the family. The day was exactly what we all needed. Missing Lauren was tough but we know she is coming soon and that helps soothe the ache in my heart. We will be moving Makenna and Noah into their home the first weekend in October. As it turns out, they are also getting married that weekend. Sleep is overrated.
Thank God for technology that allows us to include Lauren from nine hours away. 

This little one has been Makenna's side kick after school every day for a few years. The baton is being passed as Kate takes over the part-time job once Makenna moves out of the neighborhood and into married life. 

Erin made all the coffee and tea cups for the party. Makenna gave me the wine tumbler when she got engaged. I drank tea in it and she laughed. Of course she did.

I have no idea but Erin took this and I think it's fun.

This antique dish serving platter was on a table at Lauren's wedding. We kept one set to incorporate into each of the kids' weddings someday.

During the party, Erin and I were discussing hot flashes and sleep disruption. We realized we are both in the early stages of menopause; hers surgically induced and mine due to age. I mentioned how strange it is to experience something like this with my daughter and she casually quipped, "it's okay, we grew up together too." I love this. I love her.
Someone photo bombed her selfie and amused her. 

Kate and I visited Makenna's old stomping grounds Sunday to see a show. A high school friend of Erin's is the technical director and classmates of Kate's are actors. It's strange to be back after such a short season and see so many familiar faces in new, more grown-up roles. 

Our sweet Layla let us know Tuesday afternoon she wasn't feeling well. She paced and panted for a few hours before laying down on the cool bathroom floor. This was anything but typical. She refused food, treats and offers to go outside. She not only didn't get up Wednesday morning but we realized she hadn't been to the bathroom in 24 hours so I called the vet. Two and a half hours later, we were given the devastating news she had cancer on her spleen and likely her liver too. The spleen had a lesion that was bleeding and her prognosis, even with emergency surgery was not good. We had mere hours with her on meds to slow the bleeding and pain relief to gather our kids from work and school to say goodbye. 

Layla was rescued from a neighbor's yard and life in a pen because I felt so badly for the pretty girl who stood, staring at her house willing someone to come play with her. She won my heart before I even officially met her. It took a lot for me to knock on that door and ask to meet the dog who was slated to be sent to a shelter in the coming days. I have had moments over the years where I've wondered if I had perhaps lost my mind in choosing to add her particular brand of chaos to our family. But I am missing her like crazy. She was beyond happy all the time and wouldn't even fake remorse when in trouble. Her philosophy appeared to be that a few puppy kisses could cure all that ails you. She gave lots of kisses. She wriggled from the inside out constantly and saw every day as the best day ever. I'm praying heaven is ready for her. The girls laughed that Brutus likely wasn't quite rested up for her just yet but perhaps Ryan was ready for a busy dog. I have no idea if any of this gets to work out like that but hope so. It helps my broken heart to think they are together. 
Their mother decided we all required ice cream after school today. I was in no position to argue with her.

This evening, Greg and I craving a quiet night each made a beverage to enjoy by the fire pit. We instead ended up with our kids gathered around talking. Erin called in with fun news she is going to share publicly soon. Makenna announced she was selected as the support staff person of the year for her building. Noah and Makenna had just returned from an adventure date where they had an appetizer in one restaurant, an entree in a second and dessert in the third and final location. We love their simple adventures.

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