Friday, August 6, 2021

Back to School

We spent the weekend preparing everyone for new adventures. Kate, Ty and I all entered new buildings this week and by Sunday afternoon, it was clear we all had some strong feelings about the changes. So we had ice cream for dinner. No one was mad.

Greg told Ty he was going through ice cream like it was nobody's business. Without missing a beat, Ty countered, "it's not anyone's business." He is starting to fit right in around here. Finally.

Layla turned eight. Well, we assume Sunday was her birthday. She was a rescue six years ago and was turning two soon when we got her from her original family. We assigned her a birthday because having one is better than not, or so I was told. Anyway, we went all out celebrating her. She got her prevention heartworm, flea and tick medicine. There were some groans over the lack of new toys. Since Layla, unlike her predecessor has never learned to pick up her toys, I have opted out of providing more for me to pick up. So happy birthday, Layla. I anticipate you will calm down any minute now. Sigh.

On Monday, I started my new job with an all day training on emotional intelligence. The material was good and the speaker, engaging. However, discussing personality tendencies and emotions with strangers was a bit overwhelming. Added to the fact this past year was one of constant change for the team I'm joining, they have a bond, just like the one I have with the team I left. It's going to take awhile to find my people. 

Tuesday, Kate started her sophomore year. This was the first she has been in a school building for an entire day in almost two school years. The concussion kept her from full days in eighth grade until March 2020. Then the world shut down. On her second day of her freshman year, she had a severe asthma attack and was denied treatment because of covid. She remained virtual the entire year as result. We are praying for a successfully completed sophomore year. She was excited to return and text half way through her day she was having a great time. Thanking God. For real.

Ty started sixth grade in middle school on Wednesday. He was unsettled and nervous the entire night prior but had a successful start. He likes all of his teachers and came home talking about his day as a happy kid. "Mom, did you know some people try to give middle school kids drugs? I mean, who does that and why? I guess maybe some kids are dumb enough to fall for that but gosh, what kind of person thinks this is a good idea?" Welcome to middle school, buddy. I'm glad all our prep work about things you may see or hear at school sunk in. He amuses me with his delayed observations but I'm glad he absorbed his principal's concern for safety.

The week was long and hard and good and we are all tired. 

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