Friday, May 28, 2021

That's A Wrap

Shew! What a whirlwind week! I ran non-stop, said so many sweet goodbyes and attended multiple appointments. Some strange lab results were reported and I am laughing at the lunacy because the alternative is to cry in frustration. "It will be what it will be" remains my motto because I honestly have little choice in the matter. 

Kate got her Ryan tattoo this week and chose at the last moment to use her own handwriting rather than the artist's. I love how fully all of the girls have chosen to honor his memory. Our balloons prompt questions so Ryan's name is still spoken, these seventeen years later.

When I was first assigned reading groups in fourth grade, I was uncertain how I would feel about the older students. I quickly fell in love with them and that hour of my day was always a favorite. I am going to miss those rowdy kids. This note? She knows me.

I cried as I left my job this week. Leaving a strong team in search of simplicity broke me. I love those kiddos and had developed friendships with my co-workers. But on Wednesday, health care workers lined the hall to cheer for those of us who have served the smallest in our community during the pandemic and as honored as we were, it was not without a healthy amount of embarrassment. I assume they were getting revenge for the school staff cheering outside the hospital Monday evening. Well played, healthcare heros, well played. 

Our grandson called to show us a rock and I craved time with him and my camera in the evening light. My son-in-law snapped a quick shot for me while we talked. I miss them so much.

Nothing was wrong. He was showing off his sad face. He has skills.

Ty spent his first week of summer vacation doing summer school stem lab, archery camp and basketball camp. He had the best week but was absolutely exhausted. He loved all of it and now wants to join the archery club and basketball team in middle school. We hope he will make deeper connections as result. 

Kate is officially a sophomore! She navigated the challenging year well. 

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