Friday, April 9, 2021

Spring is in the Air

Monday evening, we made s'mores with Reese's eggs. We cannot recommend this enough. Layla was of course heartbroken to be excluded from the treat. She always is. Poor girl. 

I gave Greg some pointers when he picked up my camera and was pleasantly surprised by the result. Those gray hairs I have fully earned are standing out proudly though.

Thursday evening I insisted the children go outside and play together. Kate elected to fish in the front yard and yell at her brother for scaring the fish with his basketball. 

As she casted, she mentioned something about how many fish are in the sea but she can't get a nibble. I questioned her, "I thought you weren't interested in any fish"? And she laughed. "Why do you think I am fishing in the yard. I don't want to catch anyone." Touche

The week was long and I am grateful for a weekend to recharge. Kindergarten was full of crazy energy and we of course had some unexpected curve balls. We always do so one has to wonder, are they unexpected or just unwelcome?

A third grade friend known for outrageous behavior has become a buddy this year. He craves attention and I am able to spend a lot of time with him during lunch. We usually talk about whatever is on his mind but this week he has mastered a strange sound he insists I need to learn. I have;  of course, refused to entertain his latest antic. Then he pulled out the big card, "but Miss Sherri! You have too! It's God's calling for your life"! I roared with laughter. There is never a dull moment with that one. I think he may suspect I like him.

Friday some virtual students visited kindergarten and I was permitted to assist them throughout the day. As we waited on one little girl to be picked up, I asked her about her favorite part of the day. Without hesitation, she answered simply, "the hugs". 

A friend picked up her preschooler this week after the mask mandate lifted and commented on the mask-less smiles. I cannot wait until all the smiles are finally free. And I can give more hugs. 

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