Friday, February 19, 2021

Curve Balls


Last weekend, Greg and I slipped away to order his suit for an upcoming wedding. Greg as a groomsman after all these years is somewhat unexpected. He just hopes he can keep up with the younger bachelors in the coming months. The suit will be sharp and my forever Valentine was quite overdue for an update. And since we were out and so close to our favorite Cuban restaurant for lunch, a real date was in order. We didn't make it to Home Depot though; we spent all our money at Joseph A. Banks.

The winter weather was once again exaggerated and blown out of proportion. Greg had to work an overnight shift to keep ramps clear for UPS even though the overnight accumulations never arrived. Ty went to bed with his snow suit ready, anticipating the foot of snow he was going to play in. The dusting that finally arrived that afternoon was pretty disappointing for those who were eager to see the first wave of what was supposed to be record breaking amounts of snow.

It's as though scientific predictions aren't perfect and the media exploits worst case scenarios. Weird.

But we tried some new recipes, watched documentaries, and spent time with the animals who are wondering if we are still employed because we have now had nine snow days. I resumed some long forgotten knitting and lamented not having an unread book in the house. Powering through two novels last week left me at a deficit. 
Tuesday afternoon the hospital called to reschedule Erin's hysterectomy for Friday instead of March 16. She was eager and I was left once again reeling from the latest curve ball. But the extended snow days allowed me time to prepare for her to spend her recovery with us. Neighbors delivered flowers to cheer me up, a gift bag of comfort items was dropped at our door, and a pot of soup was promised for surgery day. We have been bombarded with support and we are grateful.

Ty, being updated on the changes immediately requested we get pancake mix and chocolate chips because he makes her breakfast after procedures. It's his thing. The boy doesn't often let us see his sweet side but he steps up when it matters.

This morning, I sent my girl into the OR, ready for her total hysterectomy. The anesthesiologist prayed with us prior to taking her back. She was in good hands.

A friend picked me up for lunch to help pass the time. Surgical waiting is banned during the pandemic and the parking garage was a balmy twenty-five degrees. Tonight, another friend sent dinner to the hospital. My people are incredible.

As I sit at her beside tonight, I am relieved. The pain indicates this on-going situation is finally ending. She deserves the peace this surgery promises. 

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