Thursday, December 31, 2020

Christmas Break Week Two

The art of finding pleasure in mating lids with storage vessels may be called adulting. Perhaps. It could also be confused with "get a life." But we ordered a Rubbermaid set of interchangeable lids with matching containers and the result was reorganized cabinets. All God's people rejoiced. Well, the grownups in our house did anyway. But along the same lines of If You Give A Mouse A Cookie, this led to a complete overhaul of all the cabinets in the kitchen. And the next thing I knew, a closet was tackled rather aggressively as well. Where my mind is cluttered, the hidden spaces in my home are not. This is a coping mechanism called "oh crap! Mom is doing it again! Hide your stuff!" Or something like that.....

Erin and I sat down with her gynecologist this week and came away with additional testing and appointments. We anticipate a hysterectomy within the coming months. We are at peace with the decision, just ready to close this particular chapter in her life. 

A daughter wrestled with a large upheaval in her life and another is planning some time on a beach this weekend. Motherhood: the insanity of balancing all the emotional roller coasters while remaining somewhat hopeful. 

Piper has made herself right at home, frightening the other animals in our zoo. Praise God. I worried, it seems, for nothing. 

Kate and Ty are ringing in the new year with Aunt Theresa and grandparents again. They love the rowdy celebration; a stark contrast to the quiet of their parent's early bedtime and simple dinner. The new year arrives whether you watch the ball drop or not, we have learned. 

2020 is a wrap. Overall, we faired well. Greg has been happier in the job he landed in March than either of his last two positions. He appreciated being "essential" and able to work throughout all of quarantine. Ty thrived with virtual learning and loves his teacher. Makenna and I were both paid while off in the spring and still have the jobs we love. Erin found love and a fantastic new position within the University. Both Erin and Makenna overcame challenging classes with scores they are proud to claim. Of course we were discouraged by the pandemic and the insanity of decisions made, but chose to appreciate slowing down and the family time it provided. All years offer difficulties and joys and 2020 pushed that line but our perspective remains rooted in the promise "God's got this".

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