Friday, November 6, 2020

Launching November

Our grandson voted with his mom last week. When Aunt Erin questioned who she may have voted for, Austin enthusiastically announced "Captain America!'. We think he is brilliant. 

Three soup nights and new flannel sheets made appearances this week. Cozy was the working theme even though it was sunny and warm.

When we first lost Ryan, I planted a tiny  Christmas tree in his honor. We did this annually and every summer, the newest tree died. After a few years, I couldn't handle the death of the trees anymore and transitioned to releasing balloons. Saturday, Greg and I ran back to Home Depot for more stadium lights. This is my nickname for them. Either way, he is thrilled with his brighter garage. But when we arrived, the store front was laden with tiny Christmas trees. I felt completely unprepared for the scene. I froze momentarily and had to will myself into the store. We need a new date location for the next couple of months. 
Halloween was celebrated with costume changes and a friend for each Kate and Ty.  Something called Omega was purchased this year but he quickly changed his mind and trick-or-treated as a worn-out Spiderman and half way through the neighborhood, changed again into something else I cannot identify. 
Kendra's dad created a socially distant trick-or-treat bucket. We appreciated his ingenuity far more than his daughter. We have entered the embarrassing parenting years and are loving it.

Kate and a friend created their own costumes and ran around shooting friends with marshmallow guns. They too had a great time. 

Kate volunteered to serve candy at our elementary school's trunk-or-treat. She had a great time and enjoyed so many of my co-workers who were shocked to learn I was in bed while they handed out treats. 

Greg assisted in candy duty until the Buckeyes started playing. He requires supervision because he thinks giving handfuls expedites our responsibility and allows us to turn off our light early. He is a bit of a Halloween scrooge. On the other hand, I loved seeing the kids and enjoyed holding down my porch swing with hot tea while visiting with neighbors. 

Tuesday Kate and I visited our chiropractor where a dance-off ensued. Both Dr. Ollis and Kate showed off their "dad dance" moves. I wish I had a camera ready for the unexpected scene.

That afternoon, Ty and his buddy initiated a new challenge. The "don't leave the air track" challenge took place despite Kate questioning the timeline given dinner and bedtime were quickly approaching. These boys will never allow logic to interfere with their plans. And that snack selection for endurance? It was not cleared by management. I owed a mom an apology for ruining dinner while holding down my porch swing. 

The Target dollar spot spoke to me

Election day was an e-learning day for Ty. Kate had homework as well. They both prefer being virtual but our conference with Ty's teacher this week further confirmed he needs to be in school. His confidence has skyrocketed. Having a teacher refer to him as her right hand man was beyond unusual. Our typically reserved student is now troubleshooting technology and assisting other kids. We are thrilled with his progress and the teacher who has so warmly embraced him, quirks and all.

I don't want to brag but some second graders gave me super power today. I am now able to freeze people. I vowed to not abuse this power. It was challenging in kindergarten to refrain. 

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