Friday, September 4, 2020


When Erin was little, she had a pet goldfish. She named him Bob. Bob later died and she got a second fish. She named him Not Bob. I think in a lot of ways, this explains a fair amount of our daughter's personality. Perhaps related, but maybe not, she had a rough week with water damage, loss of air conditioning, brakes needed on her car and her three month screening for abnormal cells. We both feel confident this round will be clear; however, it isn't faced without a fair amount of trepidation. She tackled her doctor's appointment alone this time and celebrated getting through it with sisters and donuts. I'm sorry I missed both. 

Ty started the week with a photo and video shoot at a local cavern. He had a blast. Never before has helping out a friend been quite this much fun for him. However, he ran and played hard after his shoot and then took a two hour bike ride. The result was a muscle strain in his thigh. We have no doubt he was sore; however, his coping skills were worthy of an academy award. I threatened him with additional bodily harm if he ended up in the health office complaining of pain. Fortunately once he was at school; very much against his will, he got over himself and made a full recovery. 

He claims kids at school call him stupid and he is tired of ignoring them so he took an UNO reverse card with him today. He believed this brilliant come back would end the name calling. "If I show them this card they will know anything mean they say about me is now about them". I have now contemplated if I can choose to skip difficult situations in life or send some people to draw four.

Tonight, both of the girls were out for the evening so we took Ty to the local skate park, drove to scout a photography location and then picked up ice cream from a local shop for the first time. I had no intention of partaking in dessert until I saw a toasted coconut and caramel sunday on the menu. It was delicious.

Our grandson moved into a big boy bed and he is quite excited about it. He calls frequently and tonight begged, "Mimi, come get me. Please." Goodness, I wish. Oh how I wish. 

The puppy chewed up his plastic shovel. Puppies are difficult.
The puppy chewed up his plastic shovel. He was distraught. 

I needed a sweater on my porch tonight and the weekend promises more fall-like weather. Kate thinks we need to break out the fall decor. She is not wrong.

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