Friday, July 3, 2020

Summer Break Week 6

We attended a birthday cookout and brought home an extra kiddo Saturday night. Ty is always happy to flaunt his pancake making skills.
Kate sprayed Greg with a water bottle while cleaning the dinner table. He, of course, confiscated said bottle and proceeded to douse her with it. I was rinsing dishes and wondered if the hose would send water across the kitchen. As it turns out, it does. The entire house was shocked and saturated.

Monday friends came to meet Pip, inquiring if a hedgehog might make a good addition to their family. Four little girls investigated without fear of his prickly coat and he tolerated the energy well. We then ran some errands that concluded at Greg's office where we picked him up so the work truck could remain there again. After three months of stand-by during covid declarations of panic, his company realized they would not be closing without warning again due to an exposure so he could resume driving his own vehicle to and from the office. It will be nice to have available parking on the driveway again.

That night, I spent four hours following along online with our school board as they navigated back-to-school guidelines. It was embarrassing to watch some of our leaders use this opportunity to politicize and it was clear based on letters read from community members, there was no simple solution. In a text thread with friends, I suggested a drinking game for every time someone said the word mask. We would have all died of alcohol poisoning but perhaps been more at peace with the outrageous display. Never the less, my asthmatic student will be required she wear a mask at school if a statement from her pediatrician doesn't suffice as a means of persuasion. Our clear stance to return her to class is suddenly not so clear. Between the disinfecting measures and the masks, she won't likely be there much anyway due to complications.

Tuesday, I visited my chiropractor and was sent home without needing an adjustment for the first time in my life. I am so grateful we found this guy. Kate and I have both made incredible health progress without the customary three visits a week for four weeks. Once every couple of weeks has been more beneficial.

Wednesday I made peace with the mask ordinance and ordered several for Kate and I to wear to school. We will make the best of a foggy glasses situation. And then had friends over for dinner to lighten the load of another heavy week. It was good for all of us to spend time talking about life outside politics for an evening.

Thursday and Friday we hosted play dates for Ty and dropped Kate off at church camp for the holiday weekend. He is excited about his hedgehog duties and is comfortable handling him these days. He still wants a spider. Pray for Ty. His parents are unreasonable.

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