Saturday, January 4, 2020

Winter Break Week Two

Layla has been quite expensive lately. She's cute though; which is ironically what we say about Kate too.......

Despite a hundred pounds of sugar (more or less) going through our house the last few weeks, Ty still required his favorite holiday cookie. So he made pizzelles to take to Grandma and Aunt Theresa, knowing they share well.

On Monday, I ran to three different grocery stores to accomplish what was honestly a small list but one I couldn't easily achieve in one location with the exception of Walmart and frankly I wasn't feeling quite crazy enough for that to be a reasonable solution. Anyway, I grabbed a coke and took off alone which made it seem like a treat and my kid-free plan was working beautifully until I ran into this cutie at Aldi and had to keep her for the remainder of my errands. I miss my little buddy's energy.

After physical therapy on Tuesday, I met my parents with the kids so they could escort them to my sister's for a few days. Ty has been asking for some extended time with his cousins for months. I worried a bit about sending Kate but she is advocating for needed rest pretty well these days so despite my inability to locate the bell my dad gave Makenna when she had knee surgery three years ago, I trusted Kate would let them know if she needed anything.

We looked through old photos Tuesday night and I ran across this gem. Kate Bug was our only thumb sucker and so stinking cute too.

I woke Wednesday morning to these photos from my sister. Everyone clearly had a great time ringing in the new year. Several of my friends celebrated their kids making it to midnight and I laughed. Mine did too but at Theresa's house. I fell asleep before eight o'clock. It was perfect.
Still needing a "few" lightbulbs but the chandelier we got her for Christmas is finally installed. Greg about lost his Christianity over this.

Wednesday, Greg and I helped Erin for the afternoon with a project at her house and Ty went to the trampoline park with Brennen and Mason. My mom took Kate to see Little Women and Kate text requesting we locate the book. It appears she enjoyed the movie.

Thursday, Greg and I used one Christmas gift card for lunch and then another a few hours later for dessert. This kid-free gig was pretty sweet. In between restaurants, we walked two malls and noted how long it had been since we last did so. It was a decent way to spend a rainy afternoon even if we walked without purchasing anything.

Friday, I met my sister and picked up my babies. Ty was not too thrilled to be leaving the best house on the planet but quickly made plans for the night. He was home just a few moments when he packed up essentials for a sleepover at his buddy's house.

Saturday, I kept kiddos so Greg and friends could assist a local woman in need of shelter this winter. While holding down the homefront, I meal planned and cleaned in preparation for the week and routine ahead. There is never a shortage of things to do it seems. All in all, we played well, rested well and are as ready as we can be for school next week. It was a good break.

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