Sunday, December 1, 2019

Thanksgiving Weekend

Uncle Ty is his favorite because he plays with him. Epic Nerf wars were fought, including casing bathrooms for not so quiet "sneak" attacks on Pops as he emerged. Ty faked death repeatedly to the delight of one very busy Austin. His belly laughs are the best and Ty can almost always guarantee delivery of giggles.
We celebrated Black Friday at home decorating for Advent. Greg and I ventured out to Aldi for groceries but had the place practically to ourselves. How the fridge was so bare after all the cooking on Thursday is beyond me but we needed food, none the less.  All ten of us gathered again for dinner and then our grand dog and his human brother stayed for a sleepover while their parents connected with friends. The only thing sweeter than our grandson, is cuddling with our grandson in pajamas.

My Christmas decorating was scaled back further again this year. I was content with just the table top tree and natural stockings but there are people living here with strong opinions so two used pencil trees were purchased a few weeks ago from a neighbor and one was placed in the corner with fewer ornaments. It's slightly shorter companion tree was set up outside the front door with the hand carved ornaments I still enjoyed and the table top tree remained in the attic. Only two of the five nativity scenes are displayed and it may be that I am using one too many after all. A search to replace fifteen year old bright red stockings lead me to order replacements from Target for a softer look. As it turns out, I can only handle so much merriment this time of year.

Lauren's birthday request this year was brunch with me and her sisters during her visit because she spent her actual birthday with movers again this year. We took advantage of small business Saturday and accomplished the last of our Christmas shopping together. I wore Greg's OSU hat to show support for the biggest game of the year. They say a happy wife equals a happy life but I beg to differ. The way college students play a football game dictates what kind of evening we will have in our world. Insert eye roll here. Thank you Buckeyes for your cooperation. It was a sweet Saturday night after all.

This game of Uno (with two kinds of M&M's) is actually a business meeting. Our famous youtuber needs start-up funds to have "merch" made for his fans. His tee shirt and hat designs will include a tag encouraging purchasers to wash before wearing because Ty doesn't want his fans to get a rash like he did one time wearing a new shirt. This boy amuses us without trying.

Sunday after church, the crew once again descended upon the house and laughter continued. This was a perfect weekend.

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