Saturday, November 23, 2019

School, a Move and Football

It was a unique week in our world. We had Tuesday out of school so teachers could gather in Indianapolis to protest unfair funding, testing and policies in education. We used the day to shop for Ty's angel tree kid and the homeless project our church supports. It was a pretty good day.

Wednesday Ty started a new school. The decision was brutal but necessary. I love my job and am keeping it but Ty's anxiety toward school escalated to the point we felt we had to try a change. So far, he loves it. Our district has intense academic standards and teaches to insure strong performance in standardized testing. The smaller school focuses more on kid-friendly approach and a well-rounded experience. We initially toured the other public school during our fall break as a potential option for next year but Ty saw the freedom and decided he wanted the change immediately. We had resisted because he and I were on the same schedule and I worried it would be uncomfortable for me to stay after transferring Ty. My principal has been supportive and has asked about Ty daily. He has made new friends, experienced Pioneer Day where he churned butter he has raved about since and seems much happier about going to school despite the earlier start to his day.
This darn dog knows she isn't allowed on the furniture but sometimes cannot help herself. Kate said, "get". Layla heard, "sit".........

Kate made it halfway through her school day twice this week. She missed Tuesday for the protest and Wednesday for a headache. We are hoping for longer days on Monday and Tuesday before taking a few days off for Thanksgiving. God willing she will resume a normal schedule after that.

Lauren, while living in a hotel with the dog and Austin fell and rolled her ankle. She suffered for 30 hours before conceding on an x-ray and earning herself a walking boot. She and Taylor finally left Texas today. They were quite ready to go and hope to have their belongings by Thanksgiving. Rumor has it they will spend Lauren's favorite holiday at Cracker Barrel this year. It breaks my heart.

Today, Greg's Buckeyes pulled off a win against Penn State which makes for a happy weekend around here and Ty got a last minute invitation to a University of Louisville football game with a buddy. We are pretty excited for him.

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