Monday, September 16, 2019

Porch Swing and Tea

This week my friend Jen, whom I have missed for two years now was joined in heaven by her sister, Debbie Sue. It wrecked me. Debbie Sue loved selflessly and was a true light in Jen's daughter's life. How one young woman is supposed to keep losing vital people in her life and still thrive the way Shelby does is beyond me. But she does.

We had a conference with Ty's teachers with hope of gleaning deeper understanding of his unwavering dislike of school. They were kind and encouraging but are as confused as we are because he is so stoic at school. His anxiety is at an all time high despite a lot of measures in place to support and empower him.  And so we continue to pray and listen carefully.

One morning this week I text Greg asking him to join me on a quick errand that evening to put air in one of my tires. He responded something about it being a hot date a few hours later. I was on my way to the office with a tiny friend from Kindergarten when I read his text and was immediately confronted by a co-worker who let me know she thought my husband was good looking when she met him the afternoon of the conference. Before I had time to think, she then added she understood how we have so many children. I am not easily embarrassed but knew without question I could not respond in my typical sarcastic fashion with a five year old in tow so I left her, laughing. My response when I saw her later and she worried she'd embarrassed me was, "twenty five years of marriage and our hot dates are to the gas station for air in my tire but I will be sure to let him know my older coworker thinks he is a hottie". For the record, she isn't wrong. And about being embarrassed? Please. I am currently raising my fourth adolescent. It's going to take a whole lot more than a crude comment to rattle me but my husband plans on getting a lot of mileage out of this one.

Friday evening, I found myself alone for several hours, much to my surprise. I was suddenly faced with a dilemma. What does a mom do with a few unplanned hours all by herself? Shower and early bedtime was taking the lead before Greg mentioned needing a new belt. So I compromised. TJ Maxx kid free followed by a shower and early bedtime for the win! The housework didn't make the cut. I am proud of me.

The weekend held a sleepover here with a friend of Ty's, the neighborhood garage sale we all enjoyed wandering around, an outdoor movie, church and a Costco run that coincided with yet another car repair for Erin. But Saturday morning, I was able to comfortably sip tea on my porch swing and wonder where my favorite season is hiding, all the while laughing at the meme Anne sent:
The yard sale was a success. Greg's been working out and wanted a weight bench to further support his efforts. We scored one in brand new condition for forty dollars. Kate got a beautiful new coat for five bucks and Ty purchased a new hovercraft for an additional five dollars. But the highlight had  to be Ty's buddy exuding pure joy over his lucky find. He could not wait to sleep on his cozy new pillow, a breastfeeding pillow. I could not stop laughing and hope his parents have a similar sense of humor and are laughing too.

I almost always have a running grocery list on my planner and Ty slipped some items onto the current list: villilla ice cream, coclate ice cream and mint coclate ice cream. Spelling is not his strong suit but his list was far more popular than mine. Who needs lettuce when three varieties of ice cream are available to choose from?

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