Monday, September 30, 2019

Fall Break

I am always ready for Fall Break and this year was no exception. By the time we faced down all the quarterly finals, dealt with a nasty asthma setback for Kate that ended with an oral steroid prescription, and I wrapped my first quarter as an instructional assistant I was beyond ready. The moment the doctor declared Kate needed the oral steroids, I internally reminded myself I could be brave and didn't need to cry in front of the doctor. Those things make her so mean and emotional. Ty was already losing his mind over all his final tests this week so I was over all of it. But I made it. We all did.

We have a lot of rest planned for the upcoming two weeks. We kicked off the weekend with a girl's trip to the outlets after a leisurely start Saturday morning. I was able to replace my favorite, threadbare jeans without much fanfare and we celebrated with ice cream at Ghirardelli's. And then, despite the ninety degree temperatures, I started a pot of chili because I am craving fall and all it's flavors. No one complained so I must not be the only one.
Erin came by for laundry Sunday and announced she's lost her 4.0 G.P.A. Given her full time job, her part time job and the intensity of her classes we weren't surprised. She quickly overcame her grief and declared, "C's get degrees". We are so proud.

Church on Sunday was a little insane. I know I am old now because I gave it exactly three minutes before declaring I was overwhelmed. Twelve hundred balloons with kids instructed to keep them in the air during worship had me coming out of my skin. Ty loved it. Of course he did.  But my friend and prayer warrior, Debbie was wearing a shirt that said, "imma gunna pray for you" and I couldn't help but laugh. That shirt would mean something else entirely if I were wearing it. Debbie would sincerely pray with and for anyone. Me? I say that when I am being ugly. It's important to understand where I fall spiritually, I suppose.

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