Friday, July 12, 2019

Summer Break Week 6, the one with Austin

Despite a strong desire to avoid being noticed, Pip was the center of attention for a few moments
After he mows, he sweeps and then declares it time for the pool. He loves to swim so we located a pool and had a blast watching him splash and play. At his house, he and his daddy play in a pool after Taylor finishes mowing and sweeping off the patio.
His shirt says, "force to reckon with" because we believe in truth in advertising. Also: we are no longer welcome in Olive Garden. 

Lauren surprised us by driving all night Saturday night. We weren't expecting her until Sunday night so we were pretty shocked to return home from church on Sunday to find her standing in our living room holding Austin. A few hours later, a nap was in order for not only both our third shift travelers but also Aunt Kate who'd spent a few days with grandparents and cousins.

It took me two weeks, but I finally introduced myself to Pip. He thinks I might be okay. The jury is still out on my feelings toward him.

This boy wakes like his mom used to, with his belly first. He is hungry when he wakes so he consumes sausage (with ketchup) a banana, blueberries and a cup of milk. Sometimes cheerios too. Within an hour, he is ready for a nap because he wasn't ready to get up for first breakfast. And when he wakes up? Second breakfast.

Kate picked up her new glasses this week. I have threatened to superglue them to her face if she doesn't wear them for school. I am rather weary of spending $300+ on glasses the kids like to opt out of wearing. She looks pretty cute though. 
Summer reading.

One of the coolest aspects of being a Mimi is being able to observe the way he explores and loves his world. I have kept a journal for years, counting the blessings of the little things I notice and enjoy from the red flower petals dropped on my porch to the way light flows through my living room in the early morning. But seeing him delight in dirt and dew covered grass and all the simple pleasures reminds me of God's call to maintain a childlike faith. It's being able to love and enjoy without fear. He knows nothing but security and unconditional love. I hope he always does.
Poor Ada can't seem to locate a bed large enough. Layla, the one whom we worried at one point might be aggressive begs her to move and then lays on the floor; devastated. 

Austin developed not only an ear infection but also contracted hand, foot and mouth. The poor baby was miserable so we tried to find fun ways to distract him. The sprinkler took the win Thursday night.

Of course Layla takes the final prize for making him happy. Listen to that laugh! He is pure joy (well at least most of the time)

Ty's teacher assignment arrived this week and thanks to her best friend's parents who happen to be teachers in the district, Kate also knows her schedule. Ty didn't get who he wanted but I know he got an amazing teacher and will have a great year. Kate is only in class with her best friend once a day and that is a very large class so they won't get time to connect so both cried. Like a lot. Back-to-school stirs strong emotions in my kids and the anxiety is mounting. Add a physical on Monday where Ty knows he is due for vaccines, and we could have a full fledged disaster on our hands this weekend. I don't love tackling back  to school issues in July but here we are, none the less.

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