Sunday, June 9, 2019

Summer Break Week 1

We were at the library multiple times, toured an old cemetery in search of family names we learned in local historical buildings, attended the dollar movie with a friend, celebrated a graduation, explored fossil beds along the Ohio River with Benjamin who spent a few days with us and read a lot of books. It was a full week but relaxed compared to school weeks.

In church last Sunday, I was once again reminded why I remain so much more comfortable hanging out downstairs with the four year olds. During communion, I was reliving all the ways I had felt overwhelmed the week prior and God interrupted my thoughts with a vision of him carrying me, kicking and screaming like a toddler being removed from a situation I wasn't yet ready to leave. The image has stayed with me all week, showing me all he ways as an adult I can discern when a child needs a nap, a snack, a hug or firm discussion but still rely on myself and not God when I need the rest. How easy is it to see it in others and yet not see fully what it is I need? So Christ is more than willing to carry me but I resist, thinking I can shoulder all my world alone. He still loves me, more so even than I can love the child who was once again running away last week because I served Brussel sprouts.  He showed me I am very much like my child, resisting what is best for me and in this moment, that is the need to rest in God's grace. So whereas I learned more than I anticipated and leaned into that message a lot this week, I am looking forward to hanging out in the pre-k class this Sunday.

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