Thursday, May 30, 2019

Final Day

After sending Ty off to his final day of third grade and Kate to the last of seventh, I went into their bedrooms to tidy up for the last time. They will start making beds again tomorrow, because the mom in this house recognizes where she has fallen short in this independence goal. The kids will love this, she says smirking.

Anyway, Kate had her writing folder sitting on her nightstand and given she has allowed me to read exactly zero writing assignments this year, I flipped through it. As a general rule, she does not enjoy reading or writing but this poem charmed me and I asked if I could share it here. She conceded.

Where I'm From 
by Kate Baughman

I am from cats and dogs
from makeup and footballs.
I'm from the crazy house on the hill
that is like a circus.
I am from the trampoline in the backyard to
the flower baskets on the front porch.
I'm from big family dinners and laughing, 
from Mom and Dad.
I am from flexibility and flips
and sleeping in.
I'm from once upon a time and happily ever after,
from learning ABC's
I am from big Thanksgiving dinners and from
Homemade Mac N Cheese and ice cream.
I'm from crazy stories of my sisters
and parents.
I am from trampolines and concussions, 
from gymnastics and dance.
I'm from lots and lots of food
and a big family.
I am from Ohio.

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