Monday, April 15, 2019

Monday? Already?

On Fridays, he often asks to sleep on the couch. The progression of what he calls a sleepover in the living room.....

Saturday morning the kids and I volunteered at our local St. Baldrick's event. We played carnival games with kids and generously handed out prizes until we were caught by administrators. And then we were more discreet.

Kate and I then grabbed soup and salad together and made our way over to a craft store for a cart she has sought for organization purposes. Since it came in a box, she had quite a bit of "help". And that night we enjoyed sitting by a bonfire and watching the airshow overhead while most of the locals battled Thunder over Louisville crowds. This was our 12th Thunder and we've yet to attempt it. I doubt we ever will. People literally camp on the river front from early morning until they start at 9:30 that night and then spend a couple of hours fighting traffic to get home. We had our own crowd of sorts as Kate and Ty both climbed into our bed to watch on our TV with us.

Spring is deceptive. We are absolutely as busy as the holiday season but fail to to fully aknowledge it. We have full calendars until the end of May as we wrap up school and extra curricular activities. I struggle to stick with our 8pm bedtime this time of year as I too want to be outside now that we comfortably can be. But to help us, Ty and I just finished a bedtime storybook, Finchasaurus and Kate has joined us for another promising title, Pax. It's been a long while since one book could appeal to both kids as their ages and interests are so vastly opposite. But I love having one snuggled against me on each side as we gather in Ty's bed for a half hour each evening. This too will pass much too quickly.

Despite groanings of sore throats, "school is stupid" and "I need another Sunday" complaints, everyone survived their Monday responsibilities today including a late grocery run for the people who eat as though it is an Olympic event around here.

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