Sunday, March 3, 2019

Snowstorms, Space Jam, Private Islands and Flu

It was a long week full of surprises, angst and so many "can we move to a private island" thoughts. Two days this week we sent Kate to school when threats against safety were made. Whereas she understood our perspective she was safer the days someone had officials on high alert than the rest of the year, in true thirteen year old fashion, she worried about the social implications of sitting in class without her friends whose parents made a different decision for their families.

On top of the physical threats at her school, a local parent shared information about online hackers scaring kids through YouTube. Ty hasn't had access to any electronic devices in a month but something made me ask him about it. Not only had he seen the now famous MooMoo, it had terrified him and left him bewildered as to how that character interrupted the video he was permitted to watch all those weeks ago. As he talked, he had tears pooled in his eyes because he was simultaneously afraid and relieved. We have taken the opportunity to discuss safety. Whereas MooMoo isn't real and cannot hurt him as the threat stated, there are plenty of actual bad guys on the internet and in the world who can. He now understands that keeping the secret is what kept him in fear and that anyone who asks him to keep a secret from us, is someone who can hurt him. No parent wants to scare their kids but given he was already afraid,  we used the moment as a life lesson.

Kate started running a fever Friday and earned herself another day off school after missing the previous week for surgical recovery. At this point, I anticipate some hate mail from her attendance office but I am fairly certain she has the flu. She has been pretty miserable this weekend with both leg pain and flu symptoms. I have started coughing with a constant tickle in my throat and every time I cough, Kate's far more serious sounding cough echoes and I tease, "pipe down, Kate". She loves this, or so I tell myself.

Our living room was littered with cozy blankets while Space Jam played on TV and a fire roared in the fireplace. Ty had never seen the movie and loved it as much as his sisters did years ago. Snow is gently falling despite us willing it away; however a quiet day at home may be just what doctor mom ordered. We have rested and are hopefully restored for the upcoming week full of appointments with surgeons, a long distance first birthday celebration and preparing for an extra special visitor next weekend. Hint: he is my favorite little person.
Austin made a new little girlfriend at the daycare in his mommy's gym. It appears to be pretty serious as he allowed her to use his burp cloth comfort item and giggled every time someone asked him about her. To say this baby amuses us, would be an understatement. To think he turns a year old this week is shocking though. Time flies when you are having fun and we have never had quite this much fun. He is absolute joy.

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