Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Seasons Change

January has ushered in a unique version of busy. I am in a photography course that has me engaging more on social media than I have previously and whereas I don't exactly love that aspect of the course, it has been inspiring to see what others are creating with the same assignments. Logging in for meetings and listening to tutorials means I have earbuds in more often that ever before but I am learning a lot. I suspect this will end with a short hiatus from all social media for a few days in the end.

My new to me camera body arrived yesterday and I am shocked by how much newer it looks! It feels so good to have a camera perform as expected rather than the stress of constantly making adjustments. And now I need to work up the nerve to take my camera out in public to photograph more every day life as instructed in my class. There is a strong possibility I will look more crazy than usual and I feel self conscience just thinking about it! But the flowers in my local grocery are beautifully displayed so perhaps I will comply after all. I am curious about a store on the other end of town now.

In addition to the course, I am now writing blog posts for a local marketing agent. Being paid to write is a new and somewhat challenging opportunity. For now, it's more technical than creative but there is room for me to grow in that area as time progresses. I am grateful for the opportunity and the faith this agent has in my ability. Getting paid to write is as rewarding as being paid to take photographs. Sometimes I still think I need to pinch myself to make sure it's real.

I temporarily stepped out of retirement to help a little friend. My replacement didn't work out, to say the least and her parent's situation is also in transition so I am helping in a more part-time, temporary role until this school year wraps. I am a bit torn about the commitment. Ava is a great little side-kick one-on-one and goes with the flow as I navigate full days but saying yes to her, meant saying no to a teaching assistant position in a local kindergarten classroom. I trust another situation like that will present itself again in the future. However the best outcome was Makenna's ability to accept the job. She is pretty excited to be working in a title one school with an incredible staff. During her interview, the principal whom I have never met, told her she carries herself much older than her eighteen years and credited her parents. I will take that pat on the back as there are many moments as a mother I am convinced I am screwing them all up in all the possible ways.

I am planning the final class party of the school year as Ty's room mom. Overall the experience has been a good one and I am glad I took the opportunity to serve in this capacity. Sending the final parent letter felt refreshing though. And I am still thoroughly enjoying library time at school every Thursday. I am growing more and more fond of the classes I read with as well as book discussions with the librarian. Having the flexibility to volunteer was a requirement I set for taking Ava back. I am grateful we have worked those details out.

This season of busy is not frantic, nor is it stressful but I am somehow still on my feet all day every day. I suppose I always will find a way to stay busy.

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