Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Sometimes I forget

Temperatures dropped significantly last week. We literally had 90 degrees on Wednesday and a high of 50 on Thursday. I love sweater weather but even I was a little shocked by the sudden change. This weekend was wet and cold so we had our first fire in the fireplace. Smores were of course involved and no one complained when I decided they would also be considered dinner. Sunday nights are often snacks and leftovers after a noon meal that is usually larger and far more balanced than smores.
In very rare moments all three animals are in the same vicinity without chaos ensuing. Somewhere along the way they have formed a gang that looks rather dysfunctional at first glance but the number of times they have me up in the night can be nothing less than organized. And who is in charge of this mob family remains to be seen. It has to be one of the cats though. Layla, bless her heart can't be accused of being anything more than the muscle of the operation because she simply isn't the smartest tool in the shed.
He got new glasses over fall break and is getting used to wearing them all the time rather than just for school work. He does not love this change.  He also needs a haircut but insists he is letting it grow out. I am barely surviving my own hair growing out and I am not looking at it very often so chances are one of us will be in a stylist's chair soon.
We have had Kate's old mattress in the front yard when it hasn't been raining and it has been a huge success. Having neighborhood children ask to jump on our bed has amused me. I haven't yet called the city to inquire as to how to dispose of it because it is bringing great joy to the kids, especially Kate who received a new mattress when she mentioned missing Lauren's fold-out couch. It was more comfortable than her bed because she couldn't feel the springs when she slept on the couch. Feeling a lot like mom of the year, not to mention hostess of the year since Kate's room serves as a guest room too, I ordered her a new mattress that day.

Speaking of mother of the year. Thursday we invited Makenna's boyfriend to dinner. Kate also had a friend staying with us so our table was full of conversation and laughter. As we were wrapping up I realized I had forgotten someone. Ty was in his room, blissfully unaware he was missing dinner. It was not my finest parenting moment, nor was it the worst.

In related news, it has occurred to me my older three daughters and my son-in-law keep a running group chat going called "Fam". They stay in touch, share silly stories, exchange photos and engage in on-going banter. Whereas I am little disheartened they haven't included me, I am also pleased. They don't need me to aid in cultivating their relationships and they actually are friends despite the years they spent bickering. So the arguing skills of the younger two aren't quite as concerning. It all works out in the end.

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