Thursday, May 17, 2018

Kate turns 13

I recently saw a mug that read, "I survived life with a teenage daughter" and I thought to myself, "it's too soon to call". Round four appears to be fully charged with emotion, tears and all the insecurity her sisters endured before her. This is season no joke, even with the sweet ones.

She is still snuggly, worried about others, sensitive and creative. She struggles to find an appropriate voice as sarcasm is still not comfortable nor is the sharp tone she attempts when she is annoyed, which is more often that not these days.

She stands as tall as me which happens to be taller than Makenna and this delights her; little sister, but big too.  Her spirit is still seeking and her love of small children is evident. Serving in church, helping with friend's babies and teaching little ones something new always puts her at ease.

Hand the girl paints, markers a sewing machine or slime ingredients and sister is in her happy place. It's the sharp contrast to the constant need to flip around the yard or vacant store aisles.

She still rejects most electronics as she prefers the company of others to any screen and this delights us as she stands against what is considered normal for her age. We happen to prefer her face too.

She loves clothes, shopping, shoes, nail polish and hanging out with her sisters. When they include her, she feels special and a part of an elite tribe. This will be her safety net as all those before her can attest, at times Mom loses her mind and cannot handle one more tear.
My prayer for Kate as she navigates the teen years is to find her voice, be empowered to stand up not only for herself in relationships but also defend those who are unable. She has the spirit of empathy and a reflective spirit. I pray she is guided accordingly.
I pray she also continues to see value in her smile and her kind heart. She deserves the best of close friends and I hope she seeks authentic relationships as her heart is so tender.
As she creates, I pray she knows the One who first created beauty in our world. I hope she understands we were blessed with her for a purpose so much bigger than even we can imagine.
She was born singing and as she grew light freckles appeared on the bridge of her nose. Thirteen years later and I still can't get enough of them. She is a miracle, my rainbow baby.
And that laugh. May it always find its way back into her voice because that in and of itself is pure joy.
Welcome to the teen years, Kate Ryan. Despite all the frozen chocolate chips I will be handing you as I send you to your room for reflection, I do love what this next season holds. As we enjoy deeper conversations and navigate the bigger life themes, I am blessed to already be so close to you, my remarkable girl. Happy birthday, Kate Bug.

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