Thursday, March 15, 2018

Labels and Oreos

Ty has been through a lot of extensive testing and evaluations the last few months; the results tough to swallow. I remind myself he is the same great kid today as he was before we had labels attached to him. But I am not going to lie, labels are hard. I waiver between the need to fight for him and denial.
It is unfortunate he is so reluctant to be in front of the camera with lashes like his. But a stack of Oreos happen to be his price point. I am not above bribery.
We are navigating school meetings and evaluating educational options. He has strong opinions; none based on anything of real importance unless you are Ty. After all, the amount of recess and access to electronic devices are the key factors in choosing the best learning environment. Sigh.
As I said, he is the same today as he was when we began this journey last fall; labels or not. He is awesome (a label I am comfortable with) and I am his biggest fan.

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